The comic book shop was one of the first places where I could be myself.
The stories, the art, and act of collecting…they all provided a common language and sense of purpose for anyone who walked through the door. By no means was it perfect, and thankfully the culture of the comic book shop has evolved for the better, but it was somewhere I could belong by simply being myself.
Since then, the concept of the “3rd Place” has become well-known in the realm of sociology. While many high-minded essays and papers have been published on the subject, I would say the fastest and funniest way to familiarize yourself with the concept is watching a few episodes of the 80’s sitcom “Cheers.” From the opening theme song to some of the most legendary (albeit slightly dated) characters ever created, “Cheers” is a primer on what it means to have a Third Place.
Flash forward three decades, the comic shop continues to serve as the pocket universe between work and home that provides the kind of creative spark, social outlet, and space to dream that is often eroded and usually lost in the course of our day to day lives. Add to this my never ending pursuit of coffee shops that allow me to work in peace or meet up with friends, and you can see why I would create a third place filled with comics and caffeine.
So where does a studio and community space fit into all of this? It’s simple. Comic books wouldn’t exist without collaborative creativity. From putting ink and color over someone’s pencil work, turning a script into word balloons, and finally getting everything edited, printed, and published, comic books have always required a unique mix of cooperation, coordination, and co-working spaces to produce this quintessentially American literary artform, non-stop, for nearly a century.
It is a world I had planned to enter before taking the path through medicine. Now, 3rd Place Co provides the perfect opportunity for me to return to my creative roots. My hope is that 3rd Place will help unlock the kind of passion and creativity in others so they can have the confidence, skills, and opportunity to forge a creative path for their lives.
~Jerry Ballas
Co-Founder of 3rd Place Co.